

Know all about Vigo


The most populous
city of Galicia: Vigo

Vigo is the most populous municipality of Galicia, and the 14th in Spain. It is also the most populous Spanish municipality that is not the capital of a province. The municipality has an area of 109.06 km2 (42.11 sq mi) and had a population of 292,817 in 2016.

The city is located in the south-west of Galicia, in the southern part of Vigo Ria, in one of Europe’s rainiest areas. In the north-east, it borders the municipality of Redondela, in the east Mos, in the south O Porriño and Gondomar, and in the south-west Nigrán. On the other side of the bay are the municipalities of Cangas and Moaña. They are all part of the southern Galician region called Rias Baixas. Vigo is located just north of the border with Portugal and its nearest larger city is Portugal’s second largest city of Porto.

Vigo and its metropolitan area are one of the main economic agents of the region.

Discover the heart of the Rías Baixas: its light, mild climate, cuisine, culture and amazing landscape

Do you want to know everything you can’t miss in Vigo?

The Parque Nacional Illas Atlánticas (Atlantic Islands National Park) is an incredible marine-terrestrial park formed by a chain of islands that run from the Arosa estuary to the Vigo estuary; a natural paradise of steep cliffs and protected seabeds of exceptionally rich marine life.

The National Park is 8,480 hectares in size, over 1,000 of them on land, and its main attraction are the Cíes Islands, an archipelago where all natural systems linked to coastal areas and the Eurosiberian region continental shelves are represented.

Thickets, dunes, beaches, rich seabeds… make up an impressive natural mosaic with over 200 species of algae that coexist with a wide variety of fish, shellfish, and sea birds that nest on the cliffs of the Cíes.